Open source software for the analysis of intracellular particle motility

By Russell S. Hamilton, Gerogia Vendra & Ilan Davis

Contact Details:     Russell.Hamilton -@-
Lab Web Page:

Live cell imaging is a widely used and an important tool in many fields of biology. Using fluorescent markers, it is possible to characterise highly dynamic events, which are intractable when using fixed material. This is particularly true for the analysis of intracellular transport and motility of cell components, such as RNA particle transport in the cytoplasm. While there is a wealth of imaging analysis programs providing particle tracking, they tend to offer a limited range of output parameters to describe the motility. Currently, there are no commercial or open source programs, which can be configured to calculate the appropriate parameters according to the specific needs of a particular study. Here we describe ParticleStats, a set of flexible program modules, which input the X and Y coordinates of particles in time, and output a wide range of motility parameters, graphs and statistical analyses. We have applied the software to the study of RNA particle motility in the Drosophila blastoderm embryo, so the output parameters are those most appropriate for motor driven transport. However, the open source program is written in Python and can be configured according to any other requirements, using appropriate programming skills.
26/06/07 New version released (Version 2 Build 0058)
26/06/07 ParticleStats paper re-submitted
1. Hamilton, R.S., Vendra, G. & Davis, I. (2007) ParticleStats: Open source software for the analysis of intracellular particle motility. Paper submitted
2. Vendra, G., Hamilton, R.S. & Davis, I. (2007) Dynactin suppresses the retrograde movement of apically localized mRNA in Drosophila blastoderm embryos. Paper submitted
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    Version 2 build 0058 .tar.gz X X X
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